Terrain Done

The initial terrain has now been completed for Andy, I did a few more pieces of bocage as I got the go ahead after the sample piece. I’ve learnt quite a few things with this project that I thought I’d summarize here.

  • I need to do more things in bulk to speed the work up. I cut out some a few pieces of MDF and worked on them, then later on cut out more – it would make more sense to do each stage all at once.
  • I really need to remember to put a coat of paint on before the sand, so I don’t have white DAS clay showing through when I paint the base coat on – no matter what I do i always end up with tiny white speckles where the paint/brush just won’t go!
  • A tiny touch of washing up liquid in the paint used on the bases is a tremendous help to coverage, it means I can paint the rough sand much quicker.
  • MDF warps, it’s a real pain when doing terrain pieces as they don’t sit flush, I imagine plasticard would do the job better but as yet I’ve not found a decent supply of free plasticard. I’m not yet prepared to pay the retail prices of plasticard just for terrain bases.
  • I’m really pleased with the way the bocage looks, but it’s really heavy due to the fact the entire mound is DAS modelling clay. I think any future Bocage needs to have some packing material to bulk the majority of it out, this should also help to reduce warping. I was going to use some bass wood but again its rather pricey for something to be hidden under the terrain. Offcuts of scrap wood should do it though.
Something else I was considering while doing this terrain was whether I should try and sell some on ebay to make a few quid. Problem seems to be though that they sell pretty cheaply and by the time you cut out paypal/ebay/materials costs, you’re talking a couple of quid per piece, which only makes it worthwhile if you can produce the volume and get the demand. I think I’ll just continue to offer my services on the basis of

Another Field & Test Bocage

The work is now done on the original commission for Andy, and here’s the final finished field. This one is my corrugated cardboard ploughed field and I can’t decide which one I prefer. I think I like the wall on this one, but prefer the ploughing of the other field which used filler to create the ruts.

I’ve also been testing out some bocage even though Andy hasn’t requested this, I quite like the look of it at least as a high hedge/fence. Enjoy.

Terrain Continued

Real life has been a little busy of late, so posting to the blog has had to take a little bit of a backseat. I’ve been chipping away at the terrain for Andy though and have a good number of pieces for him so far. I’m considering seeing if i can sell some on ebay to raise a few wargaming funds, but not sure the margins are good enough.

We had a game of CoC last night playing attack/defence. I had to post this picture of my dice roll to wound his vickers HMG, Andy was not best pleased. Sadly the joy was shortlived as that was my last decent roll and Andy started getting all the 6’s. Note cup of tea in hand, a true wargamers sustenance. The ploughed field on the left is one of my new pieces.

2013-10-01 20.21.02

More Terrain

The work continues making terrain pieces for Andy. So far I’ve made a tree base (middle green/brown triangle) which just needs a bit of touching up with the flock, then there are two ploughed fields – I’m trying out two techniques here to see how they come out, the bottom left corner is filler that has been scraped around, the top left is corrugated cardboard with filler round the edges.

Finally, the top right is a minefield (with a rather large mine!) and the bottom is a second entrenchment, I’m making these as I go along as they’re really good filler work to do while waiting for things to dry.



We got back from a lovely family holiday in Shropshire yesterday. The weather was lovely for the most part and we were staying in a massive converted barn. Unfortunately after a long day walking around Chester zoo, my phantom foot ailment flared up again so we were limited with our plans for the remainder of the holiday due to my limited mobility.

Lack of mobility did mean I spent more time sat around doodling though and inspiring myself to think up new projects.

As I have finished my existing house, I decided to sketch out a slightly larger one. As well as a church building.


Below is a slightly more detailed plan if the house.


And finally some steam punk tank designs.
